Our departure date is approaching quickly! Initially planned for mid-July, we will finally hit Haiti’s ground on the 3rd Aug, that’s official now! We are in the midst of our preparation, reviewing topics, contacting people on the ground, in other words our journey has already started.

While waiting for that, we wanted to hear how you perceive and feel about this topic. So we walked in the streets here in Paris, and we asked you a few questions about Haiti and its reconstruction. We exchanged a few words with (in order): Sayra (25 yrs, Paris) Laura (21 yrs, Marseille), Xavier (29 yrs, Spain) and Alice (Paris).

Mini-Walk and Interviews in Paris

There’s no doubt about it. All of us have been affected by the images that we have seen during the weeks following the 12 January. And as Alice says, we would all like to be informed about how the situation evolves, how Haitians manage this terrible phase, how aid is organised on a daily basis, etc…

This will therefore be the objective of this blog, and following that, of our webdocumentary: to bring your closer to the situation on the ground, day after day, listening to the first-hand accounts of the different actors.

You can also follow us on Twitter (SolidarIT_eng) to be informed in real time of the progress of our reportages (liveblogging) and on our Facebook page. Stay tuned!

(music for interview by Antoine Chevallier (Postillon) => Myspace)